Closing Prices June 7th, 2019 and weekly change.
July Corn $415.75 down 11.25
July Soybeans $856.25 down 21.50
July Wheat $504.50 up 1.50
July KC Wheat $449.00 down 24.00
August Live Cattle $103.30 up .23
July Lean Hogs $83.35 down 2.57
August Feeder Cattle $137.25 up 4.12
The grain market was mostly lower for week with the planting progress showing a little improvement however the threat of tariffs imposed on trade with Mexico plus dryer forecasts had an impact on the market.
The livestock sector was marginally higher for the week although the cattle gave up a lot of ground in late trade on Friday. Much uncertainty remains about the tariffs that are looming over trade with Mexico. On the one hand it will limit exports of meat but also could decrease feeder cattle coming into the United States. The hog trade was soft as plentiful supplies are worrisome.
Call any of our land agents for an on farm visit to discuss the current prices on farms in your area. We have seasoned professionals ready to go to work for you getting your land sold! Recent inquiries for land have been brisk with new listings getting multiple showings in the first couple of days. The market is definitely in the spring rush of activity.
To review our current inventory of farms and land for sale in Northwest Missouri click on this link Davidson Real Estate Farms for Sale