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Sold in Daviess County

72 Acres sold in early March 2021. This was a nice row crop acreage with 63 tillable acres according to FSA. Some of the tillable ground was creek bottom for outstanding productivity. Location was a key factor as well given the close proximity to Jamesport at the corner of Blacktop K and Lilac Avenue. There was a clear opportunity for building sites on the blacktop and gravel frontage as well. In addition there was good habitat for wildlife along a small stream running through the property with tree lined banks.

The listed price was $385,000 and it sold at near the offered price. You can see the University of Missouri Extension Service survey of Missouri Land Values at this link Missouri Land Values

The real estate market is continuing to benefit from low interest rates and many properties sell for the listed price or more.  Let us know if you would like us to give you our opinion of value on any parcel you may be considering putting up for sale. We have a team of professionals that can answer any questions you may have about the process.

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Neal Davidson

Broker & Owner
Neal grew up on a farm in Northwest Missouri and attended The University of Missouri, Columbia graduating with a B.S. in Agribusiness. After school Neal spent 10 years as a livestock dealer and then 5 years in banking. He is a graduate of the Missouri General Banking School and the National Ag Bank Management School at Iowa State. In the mid 90’s he started Davidson Real Estate and has been a top broker in land sales in Northwest Missouri for many years. It has always been his goal to support the agricultural sector and plight of the farmer and thus the firm historically has focused on land and farm sales. Today the company is much more involved in residential and commercial real estate as well. Other interests are thoroughbred horse racing and hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park. (Also an avid MU basketball fan) You can contact Neal directly at 816.632.8043