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Weekly Commodity Wrap

Closing Prices February 8th, 2019 and weekly change.



March Corn                        $374.25  down  4.00
March Soybeans               $914.50   down  3.25
March Wheat                    $517.25   down  7.00
March KC Wheat              $494.25   down  14.50


April Live Cattle               $127.925       up  1.65
April Lean Hogs               $58.425    down  1.70
March Feeder Cattle        $144.10         up   1.575


For the week ended February 8th, 2019 we saw the grains mostly lower with cattle up and hogs down. Farm and land sales prices in Northwest Missouri and throughout the Midwestern Corn Belt are closely tied to the price of agricultural commodities as well as interest rates, lease rates and many other factors. If we can get a trade deal with China it will have a huge impact on prices going forward.

For a review of the current inventory of farms and land for sale in Northwest Missouri click on this link Davidson Real Estate Farms for Sale

For more information on agricultural commodities and prices the CME Group is a good resource. Feel free to contact any of our team for more information on farm and land values as they relate to the ever changing commodity price changes.

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Neal Davidson

Broker & Owner
Neal grew up on a farm in Northwest Missouri and attended The University of Missouri, Columbia graduating with a B.S. in Agribusiness. After school Neal spent 10 years as a livestock dealer and then 5 years in banking. He is a graduate of the Missouri General Banking School and the National Ag Bank Management School at Iowa State. In the mid 90’s he started Davidson Real Estate and has been a top broker in land sales in Northwest Missouri for many years. It has always been his goal to support the agricultural sector and plight of the farmer and thus the firm historically has focused on land and farm sales. Today the company is much more involved in residential and commercial real estate as well. Other interests are thoroughbred horse racing and hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park. (Also an avid MU basketball fan) You can contact Neal directly at 816.632.8043