Closing Prices April 18th, 2019 and weekly change.
July Corn $367.25 down 2.25
July Soybeans $894.25 down 14.50
July Wheat $448.25 down 20.25
July KC Wheat $425.75 down 8.50
June Live Cattle $122.675 down 3.875
June Lean Hogs $96.750 down 1.750
August Feeder Cattle $160.675 up 1.975
Another lower week in the grain and livestock sector with the exception of Feeder Cattle. Lackluster demand and burdensome supplies make it hard to get a rally going. At some point the dynamics will change and market psychology will improve! With Good Friday tomorrow the markets will be closed.
Feel free to to contact any of our agents for more information on farm and land values as they change over time. We can answer your questions and come to your farm for an analysis of value and offer a marketing plan.
Spring is in full force with warmer weather and buyers are emerging from the winter doldrums! If you have land you are considering selling the lack of availability could pose an opportunity.
To review our current inventory of farms and land for sale in Northwest Missouri click on this link Davidson Real Estate Farms for Sale