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Sell Property in Missouri

We sell with honesty, integrity, and ethics.

Are you looking to sell property? Davidson Real Estate has an experienced team of professionals ready to develop a tailored strategy to help you successfully sell your property.

Every acreage is unique, attracting a specific group of potential buyers. If you’re looking to sell property, we have a vast database of buyers searching for the perfect place. Our commitment is to ensure a smooth selling process while keeping you informed every step of the way. With our expertise, you gain a competitive advantage in the market!

Selling Property in Missouri

We take care of
everything for you.

When you list with Davidson Real Estate, we handle all aspects of marketing, negotiating contracts and closing the deal with little to no additional effort on your part. We make sure you are protected from dealing with correct legal description filed of record or warranty deeds being recorded in a timely manner. We take care of everything for you, offering true peace of mind.
We get your property in front of buyers
Unlike many realtors in today’s environment, we still spend a large advertising budget on print – and it still produces results! We also use the internet to market and showcase our properties. Our website alone has a high number of visitors which produces many sales as a direct result. Ultimately the key to getting your property sold is exposure through targeted marketing.

Our properties
sell quickly

Our goal is 90 to 120 days from listing.
When priced realistically our properties do not remain in inventory very long. Our goal is achieved by our proprietary marketing techniques and processes we have perfected over the years.
We pinpoint the right optimum listing price.
Over the years we have become very efficient in evaluating and determining the right price to list your land. The initial pricing is paramount to selling your property. From valuation based on a desired rate of return for a potential investor to using comparable sales, we are very savvy at determining the best asking price. This first and critical step is key to getting your place sold in a timely manner for the best price.

Contact Davidson Real Estate

Davidson Real Estate will respond to all inquiries within a very reasonable time frame and very much appreciate your interest whether it is to buy or sell.
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Neal Davidson

Broker & Owner
Neal grew up on a farm in Northwest Missouri and attended The University of Missouri, Columbia graduating with a B.S. in Agribusiness. After school Neal spent 10 years as a livestock dealer and then 5 years in banking. He is a graduate of the Missouri General Banking School and the National Ag Bank Management School at Iowa State. In the mid 90’s he started Davidson Real Estate and has been a top broker in land sales in Northwest Missouri for many years. It has always been his goal to support the agricultural sector and plight of the farmer and thus the firm historically has focused on land and farm sales. Today the company is much more involved in residential and commercial real estate as well. Other interests are thoroughbred horse racing and hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park. (Also an avid MU basketball fan) You can contact Neal directly at 816.632.8043