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Use Your IRA funds for Real Estate

Use your IRA retirement funds to buy farmland!

Can I invest my IRA money in anything other than the stock market? The short answer is yes.

Wouldn’t you like to invest at least some of your IRA cash in something you can actually see and touch? It has been said, “They aren’t making any more land”. Why not include that kind of limited asset in your IRA portfolio? The professionals at Davidson Real Estate can guide you toward “QUALIFIED” real estate investment options. Just call and ask for Gary Summers at 816-632-4400 (office) or 816.294.4498 (mobile) our IRA Real Estate Specialist.

Contact Gary today to get more information on the advantages of diversifying your IRA portfolio to include farmland, commercial property or residential property. Real estate holdings can provide the stability and net return that you expect from your retirement investments. Gary has had personal experience in his own account buying real estate with his IRA funds and also has helped clients do so as well.

Why let someone else make the decision where your retirement assets are invested? Real estate is one asset class that will not disappear as some stocks have done through faulty management practices that led the underlying company to bankruptcy. You can feel it, touch it and see it any time you want to and enjoy the income on your investment as well as appreciation. For additional information on investing in real estate with your Self-Directed IRA account Kiplinger has some good information online.

Land in Northwest Missouri

It is hard to beat farms for sale in Northwest Missouri for price compared to surrounding states. One of the most appealing aspects is the real estate tax which can range between $2-4 dollars per acre on unimproved land. Compare that with $35 to $50 or more per acre in other states. With yields comparable to many other places our land offers a very competitive return on investment. It is not hard to find an experienced tenant to pay cash rent on a multi-year contract for peace of mind. So if you want an alternative place to invest your Self Directed IRA funds give farmland ownership a consideration. When you are ready to do so we are ready to help guide you through the process. Gary Summers is a seasoned professional that will assist you in every step of the way. Click here to look at our real estate inventory.

Gary Summers 816.294.4498
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Neal Davidson

Broker & Owner
Neal grew up on a farm in Northwest Missouri and attended The University of Missouri, Columbia graduating with a B.S. in Agribusiness. After school Neal spent 10 years as a livestock dealer and then 5 years in banking. He is a graduate of the Missouri General Banking School and the National Ag Bank Management School at Iowa State. In the mid 90’s he started Davidson Real Estate and has been a top broker in land sales in Northwest Missouri for many years. It has always been his goal to support the agricultural sector and plight of the farmer and thus the firm historically has focused on land and farm sales. Today the company is much more involved in residential and commercial real estate as well. Other interests are thoroughbred horse racing and hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park. (Also an avid MU basketball fan) You can contact Neal directly at 816.632.8043